Micro society

week two

Firstly we read some more of the story Notenough. This is what happened. Captain Ford made an announcement on how the remaining different flavours of nutri-bags would be shared. It was decided they would have a lottery. Each family would pull a ticket out a space helmet and it would have a flavour written on each one. Along with that they were given ten seeds each.

After the lottery was over every one went home but there were two mums with their kids having a quiet chat. Captain Ford over heard what they were talking about. They were talking about trading ten seeds and a nutri-bag for a family sized roast pheasant nutri-bag. Captain Ford wondered if this was a good idea but she let them trade. That is where we are up to.

Secondly we looked at currency. We looked at special features on how to make it harder to copy and what its value was compared to other things. Then we were given sheets of ideas that you could use for money. We were then asked questions like what could we use, would it last and would you want to use it as money.

Finally we got to designing money. We had looked at key features and were ready to start making our own. Most of the designs have not been finished but will be finished and voted for soon.

A great second week of Micro Society.