Interviewing Harry Potter:

Q. What is your middle name?

A. My middle name is James. After my father. James Potter

Q. Do you ever wonder what your parents were like?

A. All the time actually. I also wonder what their jobs were although I have heard that my father worked full time at the Order of the Phoenix and that was where he got all his fortune from.

A. Absolutely, I mean every single year my adventures just got more and more dangerous.

Q. Speaking of jobs Harry, what would you want to be when you grow up?

A. I have always dreamed of becoming a Quiditch player but I am extremely happy to become an Auror .

Q. Were there any times when you honestly thought... Voldemort is definitely going to finish me off this time?

Q. When you first entered the Great Hall for the first time, what was your first impression?

A. I thought that I was dreaming. That is literally all that I can say. I was dreaming.