Lennox nervously stepped off the Aeroplane steps and onto the black tarmac, his eyes taking in what was around him and what everyone else was doing. Unsure of what to do, he lumbered around the corner of a building and was amazed at what was towering over him. He walked into the colossal building excited, but scared at the same time. The first thing he saw was a carousel with all the luggage on, he instantly recognized his brown, tatty ripped suitcase being moved along the conveyor belt. Lennox dragged his suitcase off the conveyor belt and pulled it behind him. Lennox tugged his suitcase, and couldn't wait to see Gregory after such a long time. Anxiously,he made his way through the automatic doors, unsure of how to open them.

"Lennox!" screeched Gregory.

"I am so happy to see you!" cried Lennox.

Gregory asked Lennox if he wanted to come to his house to play some video games.

"Oh boy, yeah!" cried Lennox.

After a long tiring trip Lennox and Gregory finally got home to play Gregory's new game Sniper Buddy. After playing several games Lennox eventually got bored of playing Sniper Buddy and wanted Gregory to play with him.

"Gregory please can you play with me now?" questioned Lennox.

"A few more minutes." mumbled Gregory.

"NO!" shouted Lennox "I don't want to play any video games, I want to go to the park!" "If you really want to go, why don't you go by yourself?" exclaimed Gregory

Without talking to Gregory, Lennox grabbed a tennis ball and quietly waddled to the park.

"Why is he being mean to me, when I am his guest, all he is doing is playing video games!" shouted Lennox.

At the park Lennox wished Gregory was with him because he was starting to get very bored.

Lennox slumped down next to a humongous oak tree, bouncing the tennis ball as he sat down. Lennox was about to go home when...

Suddenly out the corner of his eye he saw Gregory trotting towards him.

"Lennox, I have come to apologize!" screamed Gregory.

"I am sorry" said Gregory.

"Its okay but I want to make a deal, if you come and play at the park with me then I will go and play the games that you want to play." Said Lennox

"Deal!" cried Gregory.

Once they had played on all the things at the park they started to get very tired and eventually dawdled home.

The next day Lennox played on Friv with Gregory.

"Oh this is boss!" said Lennox.

"You're going down!" said Gregory enthusiastically.

A few days later Lennox had to go home back to Tobago.

"Can I come back another day?" Questioned Lennox.

"Oh yes, you can!" Replied Gregory.

Gregory saw Lennox back to the Airport and waved goodbye, he hoped he would come again!