J.R.R Tolkien

J.R.R Tolkien is known as the best auother for writing the hobbit and lord of the rings .

J.R.R Tolkien was born in January 3rd 1892 in Bloemfontien.

J.R.R Stands for John Ronald Ruel.

J.R.R was an english poetry writer.

After tolkiens death, his son Christopher published seirs of works based on his farthers extensive notes and unpublished manuscripts,including the silmarillion.

J.R.R Tolkien was maried to a lady called Edith Tolkien.

J.R.R was born in Bloemfortein,South Africa.

He wrote :

Lord of the rings

The hobbit

The silmarillion

The tale of the Beren and the Luthen

He lived in birmingham.

Unfineshed tales

The fellowship

The two towers

and the Book of the lost tales.

lord of the rings the two towers

by lexie