To everyone who is reading this, I hope you had a Happy New Year. And a happy 1st February. A happy 2018 so far, basically.

This is my third year in the Blogging group. I realised that no-one has actually ever written a blog before. I mean, everyone has written poems, quizzes, stories and recounts on things that have happened. Or just unusual posts like optical illusions. But not a blog, catching op on your life, and stating your opinions. So to start off my little blog, I thought that everyone needs advice. If you are the subject of any of the following situations, follow the advice given. Trust me, it will help you.


Your friends are all leaving you out. Constantly. They don't want to play with you, include you, or have anything to do with you - for some reason.


Go to another group of friends in your class, or year, and ask if you can play with them. If they include you, you can make new friends and be happier than you were. If they don't want to include you, go to the teacher and tell them that nobody wants to play with you. The teacher will find you someone you can play with and have fun with. Problem solved!


You have got into a big fight with your friend and all of your other friends have taken the other persons side. You have no-one to back you up and everyone is annoyed at you.


Tell them your reason for why you were fighting. If they agree with you, tell them to level things out, not take sides and forget about it. You can all move on and pretend it never happened. However, if they will not accept you, try and make new friends, by following the advice above.


You don't feel comfortable coming to school. There is someone that is picking on you that no-one else knows about.


Try and sort things out with them. If this does not work, tell your friend. You and/or your friend can go up to them and sort things out. If this again, fails, then go to the teacher. They will be able to sort things out.


You are struggling with your homework/work. You are really stuck and you do not understand how to do the question.


Tell your parents if you are at home. They can help you with the questions. If you are at school, tell your teacher and ask if they can go through it with you. Problem resolved.

Thank you for reading my blog, and there will be another one soon.