So the week is nearly over, and it’s the last blog post of Kingswood 2018. I won’t go through the normal morning routines, so here’s what activities the children have done today. High Equilibrium (scary!), Orienteering, Obstacle Challenge, Laser, Initiative Tasks, Nightline and a trip to the beach on what was a lovely sunny day. I’ll let you quiz your children on their return about what some of those activities involved.

The children throughly enjoyed their lunch and dinner, which were Hot Dogs (veggie option available) Tacos and Pancakes, whilst singing their adopted anthem of the week, ‘K-F-C, K-F-C!’. If you ask I’m sure they will give you a rendition of it.

Now I’ve noticed a particular theme this week with the breakfast/lunch/dinner and that is, they are very keen on potatoes here! I think I’ve eaten almost every single version of a cooked potato going, and may have to go into cold turkey! So don’t be surprised if your child request, wedges, sautéed potatoes or chips this weekend.

The evening entertainment was the one they all look forward to most, the disco. The children made a real effort to look the part and danced away to some real classics, YMCA, Gangnam style, Macarena and Reach For The Stars to name a few.

Then their final hot chocolate of the week and onto bed.

So there it is, it’s a week which has had laughter, tears, arguments, cuddles and hugs, challenges attempted and completed, but most importantly bonding time which each other. But enough of the staff, your children have been amazing, a real credit to you, and I’m sure you can’t wait to see them tomorrow. There is some bad news though, when I asked, some said they would happily stay longer but I won’t name and shame!

In regards to tomorrow, we have a departure time of around 12-1pm, so I imagine will look to return to school for around 4-5pm but please check with school before you leave. I’m sure during our journey home we will update the office of our potential time of arrival, where I’m certain you will be greeted by a smiling, tired face and a load of washing!