Year 5 Homework / Gwaith Cartref

WC 6/6/22

Spellings / sillafu

Here are the list of words we have looked at in our lesson. You built upon your spelling knowledge, and chose ways to help you learn the patterns.

Keep practising!

Oracy Project

Today we discussed our new Oracy project theme:

To plan and prepare a presentation about a famous sportsperson OR it could be to describe an event where sports happen/occur.

It is up to you, and has to be something you are interested in! (see me to discuss further if needed)

We are building upon the Oracy presentations you completed in the Autumn term

Suggested timeline:

  1. Week beginning 6th June - Start planning what you would like to research about. Complete your research using safe sites, and discussing with a trusted adult.
  2. Week beginning 13th June - Preparing your notes and using some for of ICT to help display visual images (examples: use of PPT or J25)
  3. Week beginning 20th June - learning your presentation well, using the key words/terms
  4. Week beginning 27th June 2022 - Delivering your presentation

More to follow and to be discussed in class


Practise your times tables this week as much as you can

Also access the next page for the revision of things we will be doing this term