
On the second week of Microsociety, we played a well known game by the name of . Now all of you will probably be thinking that playing monopoly is unfair when you have to work. Well, it was all for a reason, I promise. We played because it made us (Year 5) understand what having businesses and auctioning and paying rent would be like when we were older.

Also, if you didn't know,we went to Lavender Hill Magistrates Court to re-act a scene in court. There were lots of characters and luckily everyone in the class had the chance to either act or speak(I spoke).

In court, we explored the cells in which you would wait in until your trial. There were several nasty words engraved on the walls which I believed was very unpleasant. In court, you would be fed too; there was a meat dish and veg dish for the people. Whats more, the cells were seperated by gender and so men would be on one side the females the other.

Oh, a fun fact to tell your parents and friends is that a majority of crime is committed by men(lucky girls).

Magistrates court was a bit frightening from my perspective.

When you are/were in Year 5 I can guarantee that a part of your body will feel creeped out so prepare for what's coming!

Question of the day : If you went to court, would you admit yourself guilty or not guilty?


It is your choice and REMEMBER there is no correct answer!