Should children have homework everyday?

Over the past few weeks adults have been arguing over children having homework and the amount that children should be doing on a daily basis. Some people think children should be set homework on a daily basis where other people disagree with this notion.

For: children need to show what they have learnt and the only way they can do this and be extended is by homework being set on the curriculum areas of learning set out in school. Homework provides children with valuable skills such as research, methods used in mathematics, organisation and planning skills, recording results and presentation all of which are important and we will carry through into our adult life's.

Against: I think children should not have homework everyday because some children would become frustrated and stressed after spending six and a half hours at school and not having any free time to enjoy other curricular interest, this could lead to late nights which would then mean lack of sleep and lack of concentration the following day at school.

For: to become motivated and intelligent I think children should have homework most days and it's especially important to have homework when you are studying a difficult topic as it allows children to gain a better understanding of the subject that is being taught for example the Tudors.

Against: having more homework causes more stress to the child if they are unable to complete it and tires them out, most parents don't have the time to sit with there children for 20 to 30 minutes a day helping there child with there homework if it was given on a daily basis due to work commitments starting early and finishing late there lucky if they get to spend time having a meal with there child.

For: my opinion is yes children should be given homework everyday, I'm a child in year 5 and I currently have reading everyday along with practicing my spellings which I do with my mum. I believe that homework increases your knowledge and helps you to understand about the things we are learning.

Against: I'm in year 5 and would find it difficult to do more than practicing my spellings and reading which I do in the mornings after breakfast or whilst travelling to one of my extra curricular activities. During the holidays when I have a project to complete it's not a problem because I can spend part of my morning doing some of the homework and the rest of the day with my family and friends. If I had homework everyday I wouldn't have time to complete it if I had a football match or training for my team which is 3 times a week I would not be able to follow my interest and hobbies as I would always be at a desk. There needs to be a balance between learning and time to enjoy being a child.

In conclusion to this question I think children should have homework everyday because it gives children a better understanding of the subjects they are learning, a better chance to succeed in there targets and goals, knowledge and methods can be used and applied to everyday life preparing us for secondary school and adulthood.