Vampire squids, which are not technically true squids, are named

for their blue eyes, reddish-brown skin and webbing between their

arms. They are small “squids” reaching maximum lengths of 28cm.

They have eight long arms and two filaments that extend well past

the total length of their body they also have Suckers on their arms.

The vampire squid is similar to a jellyfish. They have very

large eyes. They have the largest eye-to-body ratio of any animal in

the world.

Did you know?

They turn inside

out to avoid


Where do vampire squid live?

The vampire squid lives in the deepest parts the sea called the midnight

zone it’s dark and you can not see anything down there. The only things

that live down there must not have bones or they will be crushed.

What climate does the vampire squid like?

The vampire squid lives in a subtropical climate deep in the ocean.


Vampire Squid

The title is very good

My fun facts are very intresting

I should have put more pictures in