The Boogy Brain

Once upon a time lived a man called Aptile he is a kind man and helpes people who are like old or people who can not walk then a Boggy brain came a he was called the king of Dead.He liked killing people and he said come to my lab !!

Then after he went to his lab he decided to go to Italy to explore the hot,sunny sun on the way he said.The Boogy brain went on a flight and was really silly and the pilot said if you do this one more time I will kick you out of plane and I don't care when you die The Silly Boogy brain you are like a kid or a baby annoying a random person Said the pilot strikedly.No one like the Boogy brain because he anoyed everyone and he has been silly.After because he was naughty he BLASTED THE WHOLE WORLD!!!!!!

And lived happily ever after in space.

The End