The Storm

Last Monday a storm hit Malta. The storm lasted about tree to four days and school was cancelled.

It Started at nine thirty in the morning and I was at home with my family. My mum said that we should bake a cake or some cupcakes, but I said that we should play video games. My dad liked both of our ideas, so he thought that we could do both of them.

During the storm my family and I looked out of the window. We saw lightning and a lot of other things and suddenly a jagged fork of lightning struck a tree and the tree caught fire and we called the fire department. They came as soon as possible so they could turn off the fire.

My family and I cooked some chicken soup to eat while we were watching the storm. Everyday it was raining cats and dogs and the wind was blowing harshly.

When the storm was over, everyone was safe and sound because the storm was starting to calm down.