1. Big Ben

One of the most popular London attractions.

The image 'Big Ben' is printed on more than one

thousand souvenirs everyday that people take

home and keep to remind them of their London

experience. Did you know that Big Ben only refers

to the bell in the huge tower?

2. Tower Bridge

In 1952, a double decker bus was crossing

the bridge when it started to open. The bus

driver, Albert Gunton, had to accelerate and

jump a 3 foot gap! Afterwards he was awarded

only £10 for his bravery but I can't imagine how

scary that would have been at the time. 

3. The London Eye

It stands at 135 metres, receiving more visitors then the Taj Mahal and the Great Pyramids of Giza, the London Eye has much to boast about. Each pod is numbered from 1-33 despite there are only 32 carriages. the number 13 is omitted due to the superstition of it being an unlucky number.

4. The Shard

Also referred as Shard of Glass, the shard measuring

over 300 metres in height and its the tallest building

in the European union. the Shard is made from

11,000 glass panels and a team of 6 abseiling window

cleaners ensure that they are kept clean.