1) Look after yourself 2) Look after each other 3) Look after nature


It felt very 'Spring-like' today in Forest School. The sun was shining and it felt alot warmer as we enjoyed the outdoors together. There were a variety of activities on offer this week for us to explore and enjoy. We thought about what forest resources we could use to make habitats to encourage the squirrels, hedgehogs and robins to visit us.

We made Leaf Kebabs and there was a Winter Scavenger Hunt. We also explored the new 'dens' that we had erected which proved to be great hiding spaces! We also explored the Mud Kitchen area and forest swing too.

Sadly, it will be our last week next Tuesday, but we hope you have enjoyed your Forest School session as muc has we have! What has been your favourite part?

We look forward to seeing you again next week!

Miss Miah and Mrs Arnold :)


Cheswick Green

Forest School Year 3

Look at the next page to see some more of your pictures