Microsociety-Week 6!

I am so sorry readers, but this is my shortest blog ever! I will not waste my time and letters by writing a lot this time so I'll just get right onto it. This week we didn't do any microsociety apart from on Friday evening and somehow we didn't do simulation (where we start our businesses). Everyone was angry or upset but then Mr Woods told us we were learning about profit and loss and everyone likes learning about earning money.

He told us that you can buy the same red wine bottle at Tesco for a cheaper price at Aldi but it is also about the different brands and how much quality they serve. At home I showed my mother a programme called Eat Well For Less where they show how to buy the cheapest stuff for the best quality and ever since she buys all her stuff from Lidl and Aldi.

Also the general election happened this week (not in Microsociety) and Mr Woods asked all of us who we'd vote for if we were old enough. I said the Lib Dems but most of my class wanted Labour and so did Mr Woods. As you probably know the Conservatives won and Labour came second but it is a hung parliament so no one has really won. A hung parliament is when the parties who come second, third and fourth add up their points and if it adds up to more than that of the winning team then it is a hung parliament because the winning team don't have the overall majority. We then watched a video of the last hung parliament which was in 2010. Here is the website so you can watch it for yourselves: http://www.parliament.uk/education/teaching-resources-lessons-plans/the-general-election-explained/8-minutes/

I hope that the Year 3's and Year 4's who read this will enjoy Microsociety as much as I do and will make the best of this wonderful opportunity.

P.S: If you don't mind saying and have the time to please comment below and tell me who you would have voted for. Thanks! :) :)

PP.S: I expect my usual commenters to come and leave a message :) :)! (If you have the time!)