A great thing to do during lockdown is look at this blog. But if you dont look at this blog you wont see my great suggestion to go on this blog. The reason to look on this blog is because there are some great suggestions of what to do when your bored. Although, if you are on this blog, you cant be bored. This is a very frustrating conundrum. Although, when you get bored of this blog, here are some great things to do.

  1. look up crafts on youtube
  2. do the craft.
  3. when you realise the craft doesnt work, decorate it so it looks better then it is.
  4. Bake cookies
  5. when the cookies crack, tell people they are the current state of our society
  6. when your parents pretend they like them, tell them to buy better ingredients.
  7. do online shopping.
  8. when they say the package will come on next day delivery, wait until next week.
  9. when the package comes, and you realise its not as good as you want it to be, put it with the other 400 clothes they say you can “ grow into”
  10. try out cute outfits
  11. when they dont look as good as you want them to, just tie a knot in them and call it a crop top.
  12. call your friends and find out just how insane some people can get.
  13. make a list of most insane to least insane.
  14. Cut your siblings hair
  15. when your siblings say JUST A TRIM say “no promises”
  16. when your parents ask why your sibling has no hair, say “its a cropped top”
  17. when you really want a new iphone, create a swerar jar for your parents
  18. waste your parents memory by taking a photo of you in every hat in the house
  19. write a list of excuses to why your not doing any chores
  20. sew together the edges of old clothes and stuff them with other clothes.

That is a full list of great things to do. I could go on for days but i have to go and tell Felix that he needs a haircut...