All about Sand Tiger Sharks

what is A sand tiger sharks diet ?

Diet consists mainly of large and small bony fish, small sharks, rays, squid and crustaceans. It is a voracious eater and its teeth are adapted for eating small prey.

What is a sand tiger shark habitat ?

Habitat. The sand tiger shark is often found in sandy coastal waters,

shallow bays, estuaries and rocky or tropical reefs. Although most often

found in shallow waters they also swim down to depths of 200 meters.

What does a sand tiger shark look like?

Sand tiger sharks

white underneath. They have a flattened, cone-shaped snout and a

distinctive, oblong tail with a notched, upper lobe that is significantly

longer than the lobe below. Individuals range in size from 6.5 to 10.5 feet

in length.

How fast does a sand tiger shark swim?

2.4 mph

Tiger sharks are found worldwide in warm seas (tropical and subtropical). 

Tiger sharks swim at an average speed of 2.4 mph (3.85 kph). They can swim in fast bursts, but can only sustain these high speeds for a few seconds..

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