Year 3 Summer Term 2

Hello Year 3!

Welcome back to our final part of Year 3 2020! I hope you all had a lovely half term - I look forward to seeing your photos and hearing your comments - write down below what your favourite part of half term was! I hope you enjoyed our BAKING CHALLENGE!

I have put below your learning for the next 5 days and I hope you are keen to work just as hard as you have been! I know you will. As always do your best and let me know how you get on! Let's DO THIS!! From Miss Payne XX


Read the poem 'Cherrybrook River' and answer the questions in your blue home learning book. You will find the poem and questions on the Year 3 Pupil section on our school webpage.

Miss Payne absolutely LOVES poetry and I like to imagine myself in poems I read! I hope you enjoy the poem as much as I do.

Spelling - 'f' sound spelt 'ou'

cough, coughing, rough, roughness, laugh, graph, giraffe, calf, half, myself

Please complete another section in your grammar book. Go back and check you haven't missed any pages.


Check out the new homework on mymaths.co.uk

MATHS CHALLENGE this week is …

If you had only £10 what could you do with the £10 to make as much money as possible? Think of what you could possibly do. You will have to spend the £10 first and then somehow earn your money back. You could do anything you want to! It is your own mini-business! Write your plans, ideas and what you could earn in your blue home learning book!


This term we are going to study Rivers!

Click on the RIVER icon to find out about rivers.

Write a half a page in your blue home learning book to explain how rivers are formed!

How do they start? Where do they come from? Where do they go?

The bitesize webpage will help you but feel free to find this information in other places too!


Click on the tennis racket to try our PE challenge from Mrs Brook and Mr Smith.

JIGSAW - Changing ME!

We start this unit of work with an understanding of where we've come from so far on our life's journey!

Draw a timeline in your book from when you were born until today. Think about important things that have happened in your life so far and how much you have changed since you were a baby!

Have a look in a baby book or photo album of when you were born and as a baby. Ask your mum and dad what you were like as a baby. Did you sleep well? What was your favourite baby food? Think about how big you are now and how special you are! In 7 years you have already done SO MUCH! You are unique, you are special.