Year 6 Class

My new year 6 class is Bloom, my teacher is Miss Edwards and TA is Miss Hall. I think my classroom will be upstairs and have not seen it yet, so that will be cool! I'm excited about all that and just year 6 in general, really.

I would like my teacher to know that I love reading and my favourite subject is English, my least favourite being Geography.

I have a lot of questions for next year-I was wondering what we will be learning about if it will be much different from year 5. I researched Valerie Bloom and found out the following facts:

  • She moved to Kent from Jamaica in 1979 so many of her poems are in Jamaican Patois
  • Valerie was awarded an MBE for services to poetry in 2008
  • A few of her poems are in a CLiPPA 2015 book that was shortlisted 'Give the Ball to the Poet: A New Anthology of Caribbean Poetry'
  • She was born in 1956 and is still alive