Thursday 11th March 2021

Good morning Butterflies.

Here is today’s suggested timetable for anybody who is learning from home today.

Have a lovely day!


Get an adult to help you with your personal calendar.

·        What day it is? Yesterday was Wednesday so today will be … Is it a school day or a weekend?

·        What date is it? Yesterday was the 10th so today with be…?

·        What month is it? Has the month changed?

Parents, you may also want to discuss the season or what the weather outside is like.

Physical Education/ Movement

It is always good to start the day with movement.

We are continuing with Oti’s Boogie Beebies – Fruit and Vegetables. I am sure you are getting more confident every day.

BBC iPlayer - Otis Boogie Beebies - Series 1: 15. Fruit and Vegetables


Web are still focussing on the ck sound.

1.      Watch the video.

2.      Then practice writing the letters ck

3.      There are many different activities, it is also good to practice some again and again. You don’t need to do all of them every day. Choose between:

-         Reading and matching words to pictures

-         Drawing words with the ck sound in them

-         Forming words by sticking the different sounds together

-         Practice writing ck words on your mini whiteboard

The ck sound | Phase 2 Phonics | ck words - BBC Bitesize


We will be using The Oak Academy’s Literacy unit – “The Noisy House”. There are 10 lessons in this unit of work.

Lesson 4 – To use actions to mime a story.

Watch the video and follow the instructions. (Please note, the videos seem to work much better through Google Chrome.)


White Rose Maths

This week’s topic is “Growing 6, 7, 8 – week 3”

Thursday’s lesson – Measuring Height.

1.      Watch the video below

2.      Complete the worksheets in your pack

Super Stretching

Every Thursday in Butterflies, we do “Super Stretching” (yoga). Your activity today is “The Very Hungry Caterpillar: A Cosmic Kids Yoga Adventure.” Enjoy!


Sensory Play

Rice and Ice Sensory Activity:

This is a fun activity that provides an opportunity to play with rhyming words, explore scientific concepts and learn about primary colour mixing with all the benefits of sensory play.

You will need the following:

·      two ice cube trays

·      yellow and blue food colouring

·      water

·      a large tub

·      1 cup of dry, uncooked rice

First, watch the story below:

Then mix the yellow and blue ice cubes with the rice and watch what happens when they melt.

Some ideas:

  • Talk about the rhyming words rice and ice: can you think of another word that rhymes with rice and ice? Words such as mice, twice, vice, nice and so on.
  • You may like to try and write these words in the wet rice on the tray.
  • Talk about the two different coloured ice blocks and make predictions about what will happen. Make connections with what is happening in the sensory tub and the story Little Blue and Little Yellow.
  • Sort the coloured ice into groups according to colour.
  • Line all the ice blocks up around the outside of the tray. Try to build and stack with the ice blocks.

Some questions you could ask:

  • Why is water changing colour?
  • What is happening to the rice?
  • What colours can you see? I can see…
  • Why is the ice getting smaller?

Enjoy playing and learning at the same time!

Goodbye songs