Plants and Animals of China!

Wildlife in China is very diverse, there are over 30,000 kinds of plants and over 4,400 species of vertebrates. Because of China's immense range of climates and landscape, there are many different kinds of habitats which support many different kinds of flora and fauna.

Giant Panda The Giant Panda roams the forests and mountains of South West China. An endangered species, many reserves have been set up for the conservation of this animal unique to China and considered a national treasure.

Siberian Tiger This is China's top predator, also known as the Amur Tiger for its homeland region, the temperate snow-covered mountains in north-east China. Also an endangered species due to excessive poaching.

Golden Snub-Nosed Monkey Mainly tree-dwelling in the cold mountainous forests of central and Southwest China. Threatened by deforestation, this is also an endangered species and under state protection. Along with Pandas, considered national treasures.

Red Panda Native of China, this small arboreal mammal is found in the mountainous forests of Sichuan and Yunnan provinces. No longer categorized as endangered but still vulnerable

Chinese AlligatorSimilar to the American alligators but much smaller and completely armored, inclusive belly. Itscritically endangered population of perhaps a couple of hundred lives along the ponds and wetlands of the lower Yangtze River.

Red-crowned Crane Found in the marshes and riverbanks of East and East-Central China, this is one of the largest of cranes easily recognizable for its red patch on the head. Cranes have been for long a symbol of longevity in China.

Baiji Known as the Yangtze River Dolphin is a fresh water dolphin only found in the Yangtze River. Sadly it has been categorized as critically endangered and possibly extinct, since a 2006 expedition failed to find any of the species in the river.

Pink Dolphin Also known as the Chinese White Dolphin, is mainly found around the waters of Hong Kong and the Pearl River Delta. They are endangered and became the official mascot of Hong Kong's handover to China.

Chinese Sturgeon Also a national treasure and a "living fossil". These creatures have existed from prehistoric times, i.e. they were around along with the dinosaurs, and have managed so far to defy extinction but are critically endangered. They are only found in the waters of the Yangtze River.

Bactrian Camel It is found accross the dry deserts in Northern China. They have been domesticated and are used to provide transport accross the vast areas.

Tibetan Antelope A native from the Tibetan Plateau, it prefers flat, open terrain, with sparse vegetation cover.

Yak The hardy yak is native to the high plains of the Himalayas and essential for Tibetans subsistence. Used in transportation as well as for its meat, milk and even hair.

Chinese Pheasant Also known as the Golden Pheasant, is mainly native to forests in mountainous areas of western China, also commonly found in zoos. The Pheasant is for Chinese a symbol of good fortune and beauty.