Letter to a friend

103, St. John Road,



23rd November 2020.

Dear Andy,

School will finish in a few weeks and we'll soon start our summer holidays. I'm really looking forward to them this year. I am coming to London in September and since you will be here in August, here are some suggestions of how we could spend the holidays.

In Malta, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays we should call for two hours and do some crafts or create some videos. We will go to the water park or swimming during the day and at night we can go to Ramla for a barbeque by the sea side. We will have a movie night on Fridays and a Netflix party. We can also do a Fortnite challenge so that you could meet my friends online.

We will then be meeting in September for three weeks. I am very excited to visit you in London. We can play games, eat snacks and go to the pet shops to view beautiful fish which I really like. I want to go to Starbucks and visit the Arcades where we can play lots of video games. On Mondays we can visit places of interest like the London Eye, the Big Ben, the Shard, Madame Tussaud and museums. I want to go by train to the see the dinosaurs at the National History Museum. I suggest we go to see butterflies at the London Zoo.

We will try and make this summer the best one we ever had. After coming to your country, I will definitely would want to come again next time.

Lots of love :)

Your friend,
