Sofia – 500 word story

The Way Out of the Woods

One day, Carla had a walk in the snowy mountains. She was having so much fun in the fluffy, soft snow. She felt the sun shining and heard the peaceful song of the birds singing. As she gently lay down on the thick white blanket, she stretched her arms and legs out like a star. The golden sun shone down warm on her belly.

Carla stared deeper into the dark forest. There it looked somber and gloomy, but where she stood the sun's power was so strong it pushed through the top of the trees. The warm light poured down to the smallest leaves at the bottoms of the giant trunks. All around her birds were whistling although she didn't see a single feather. The beauty of the forest had led her into a dream so that she didn't know how deep she had wandered into the forest. It was only then that she realised she was lost.

Just then, she heard the rustle of leaves and twigs snapping in the distance. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a dark shadow moving cautiously in the woods. Curious, she crept up nearer and nearer. Slowly the shadow became clearer and clearer. Soon, Carla realised it wasn't a shadow, but ... a wolf!

Before she could even begin to run, the wolf grabbed her by the hem of her dress and pulled her back. She tried to scream, but her voice could not escape her throat. How scary it was to be alone in the woods with a wolf! The wolf's fur was a tangled brown and grey mess, his teeth were as sharp as knives, but his eyes looked smoothly and he stood motionless. Then the wolf did something unexpected. He explained to Carla the way back out of the woods! Surprised, confused and puzzled yet relieved she followed the polite wolf out of the woods.

"To pay you back for your help and generosity, may I ask, 'Would you come home with me as a pet?'"

"Of course you can," said the wolf excitedly. "I've always wanted to be a pet. Only everyone thinks that I'm bad!''