My friend's pastel

One cool rainy day, I went to deliver a pastel to my friend.It was very confusing because I also had a pastel for my friend's pet dog.I wrapped up the present's.Then I went over to my friend's house.When I got there I stayed for tea.My friend ars

ed me if she could open her pastel.When she opened her pastel in side in side was not a hairbrush and shampoo.It was a doggy bone and collar. When she found out there was a bone in there she screamed , because she thought I KILLED someone.Then I told was sorry,because I gave her the wrong pastel. I also told her that the pastel she got was for a dog.When I told her it was for a dog she understood me.After that me and my friend helped each other,wrap up the pastel. Then I went home gave her the correct pastel. Went to my other friend's house gave her the bone and collar. Went back to my home.

The End