The stranger the tossed the blanket over the princess . The princess tried to push it off. the blanket was tunnuly and soily, the princess saw moles and warms;it was bristly woven in brown and black and dark greens .The blank was moist and soggy;the princess saw that it was patterned with( moles, worms, caterpillars,millepedes, tunnels fossils and dark mould rocks.) It was embroidered with different species especially glistening jewels preserved in the rarest underground caves.The underground blanket was a world under the ground.The princess saw people digging in the caves witheir miners and axes for treasure. The princess felt she was covered in a tomb or a mummy in the Egyptian times and felt the solid stones. The princess was feeling even colder she was freezing to the death. So the stranger put another Underground blanket. It pricked her and the second blanket felt even more coarse. She wished that she never seen the stranger but he went for while and returned after for the princess warmth. The stranger made the princess even more colder than.