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The characters are...

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The story is about...

My favourite parts are...

A 10 year old boy who got a new home and his parents are explorers. They go to explore new islands and they got lost.On his way to find his parents he meets a bird, a mermaid and an island named Cliff.

My favourite part in the story is when Oliver says he sees a rather lot of albatross poo on Cliff's wig because that part of the story made me laugh a lot.

My second favourite part of the story is when Oliver meets Iris the short sighted mermaid because when she looks down at the island named Cliff, lots of things ran down her face and in the book I thought the book was saying that lots of things ran down her face, but it was saying lots of things ran down the islands face, so confusing!

Oliver and the Seawigs

Philip Reeves


My fiction book review

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The characters in the story are called Iris, a

short sighted mermaid, Mr Culpeper, a grumpy

old albatross, an island named Cliff and of

coarse Oliver, the main character of the whole
