Fibonacci Numbers

Fibonacci numbers appear in florets on flowers, scales on a pineapple, the middle of sunflowers,snail shells, veins on a leaf and the swirls in waves.

The Fibonacci numbers are...


382 and many more. The Fibonacci sequence is a sequence of numbers that follow this pattern. So the first numbers in the sequence are 0 1 1 they follow this pattern 0+1=1,then1+1=2 and so on.        

In year five we went out into the field and found some examples of flowers leaves and much more that follow the Fibonacci sequence. We then created art work that involved using the Fibonacci sequence!

Waves follow the Fibonacci sequence to.

At the start when the tide starts to come

in the waves go in this order. Two waves

that are small then one that is twice the

size and so on.

The Fibonacci sequence is an interesting pattern that is all around us in nature so just look out and see what you can find!

by Lily - Mae and Grace yr5