The Young Speaker Challenge - Second Draft - Monty Booij

I would like to talk about Sports and young people.

*I do lots of sports, my favourite sports are, rugby, football, cycling, ice skating, skiing and tennis.

*I love doing sports because it is fun and very healthy.

*I would like to start gymnastics, but it is very hard to get into a club.

* Doing sport can help develop your muscles and it can help make you stronger.

* It can help with posture and build stamina

* Being in a sports team can be really fun because you can make really good friends for life

* Sports can help you if you feel better if you feel sad or lazy

* Doing sports can inspire you to be motivated and take risks

* Being in a team can help you understand how to play fairly and collaborate in a team

* Doing sports can be very expensive and many parents cannot afford to send their children to sports clubs.

* The fees of sports clubs have risen a lot over the years.

* I think sports should be very inexpensive for children, if not free.

* I think the 2012 Olympics should have had a simple legacy to make sports more accessible and inexpensive.

* This is very important especially in city areas because children and young people need good and easy to get to facilities to practice sport.

* The Olympics and other sporting events can really motivate people to try a new sport and also to become a follower of that sport.

* There are many statistics to show that sports that are on the TV or radio boost participant numbers.

* Sports are important to combat the rising statistics of childhood obesity.

* Our government is very concerned about obesity and that many children do not do enough sport. Obesity costs our health system billions of pounds every year.

To conclude, I believe that it is very important to learn how to become fit and stay fit and enjoy and have fun whilst doing sports

* Successful Sports people are excellent role models for young people.

Finally, I believe that sports can help you be the best you can be because you can gain inner strength, energy, confidence, agility, speed and many different skills that help you with life skills

6. Thank you for listening and please ask me some questions.