Monday 21st June 1979 :)

Dear Diary,

What a awful day it has been!

It all began yesterday when Dinio got a fever. It was extremely

worrying as she was just a baby. Another baby has died from fever in our village because no body can afford a doctor. As I was walking past the little grave yard I knew I had to find mother. The little grave yard is where they bury babies when they die and I was scared that the next to be buried would be Dinio. Nono told me and Tiro not to bother Mother and Dinio would get better but I doubted it.

I decided we had to go so I told Tiro, he was shocked but he agreed so we went to find Polung. Polung was our friend and we hoped he could help. We told Polung what we were trying to do and he gave us some sweet potatoes and water, he also offered to do some of our chores and tell Nono we were ok. We thanked him until our throats hurt from screaming our thanks.

So we were of! On our treacherous journey to Jo'burg. The sun was cruel beating down on us but we carried on walking. For about 2 hours it had been a dirt track. The red sand stained our feet but it did n't burn to much.The occasional stone stabbed our feet like a lion suddenly pouncing for a giselle. Me and Tiro the gizzelles and the stones were the lions claws.

Suddenly a curve in the road faded the red sand into hard black tar. The tar burnt our feet so we quickly moved onto the dry grass. The dry grass felt cooling so we sang songs. We were actually having a good time!

About an hour later we were at the bottom of a hill. Tiro wailed I'm hungry! I said to Tiro we could eat when we got to the top of the hill. So the walk up the grassy, steep hill began. The long grass tickled our legs as they began to ache. The glass was scratchy and tickaly but it was better than the tar road.