Year 5 / Blwyddyn Pump

Homework / Gwaith Cartref


Words ending in -a

Learn the words you have discussed in class in our spelling lesson. Be ready for a dictation

exercise on Friday

Oracy Project

To plan and prepare a presentation linked to our topic of Africa.

It is up to you, and has to be something you are interested in!

(see us to discuss further if needed)

Suggested timeline:

  1. Week beginning 24th October - Start planning what you would like to research about. Complete your research using safe sites, and discussing with a trusted adult.
  2. Week beginning 31st October (HALF TERM)- Continue to plan and prepare your notes and using some ICT to help display visual images (examples: use of PPT or J25)
  3. Prepping and Practising your presentation WC 7th and 14th November. You have an extra week to get ready
  4. Week beginning 21st November - Delivering your presentation

Spelling / Sillafu

Some of you have set A and B words

to continue to practise. If you would like to learn these words, have a go!

There is an assignment set on Maths watch, to recap what we have been learning in class. Don't forget, that if you would like to push yourselves, you can also search on maths watch, to complete harder topics


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