Literacy Homework Gwaith Cartref

9th - 16th June 2021

Reception Derbyn

This week's literacy homework is to practise spelling and writing neatly our tricky word of the week.


To learn this word, you could write it on post its or pieces of paper and put it up around the house (on walls or fridge) so that your child can see it.

Point the word out if you see it when reading stories or out and about on signs.

If you have magnetic/foam letters then you can make it using them.

Writing it in rainbow writing (different colours) just like we suggested in home learning

You could also ask your child to write it in sand, mud, shaving foam or something similar.

Now you can spell and write the word 'me' can you write sentences with the word me in it? Please choose from the 3 levels below.

Write one sentence with the word 'me' in it.

Write 3 sentences with the word 'me' in it.

Write 5 sentences with the word 'me' in it. Can one sentence have the word 'me' and 'and' in it?

The word 'me' is similar to 'he', 'she' and 'we'. If you have time have a go at writing these using the strategies at the top of the page.