Identify and improve sentences using suitable adjectives and technical vocabulary. 

Back in the room, two metal small hands come out and put the white covers straight and fluff his pillow.

They go back under the bed and disappear there.

Two metal hands come out from the ceiling and place a flower hot water bottle on Wallace lap

Gromit puts on his sheep costume and waits on he dinning table downstairs.

Wallace calls for Gromit to come in his loudest voice.

Gormit takes a few steps back and sighs very loudly

He is sent through the small gap in the wall and started to bounce up and down .

He slips back and grabs a black and big newspaper he sighs again and reads on.

Other sentences

Gromit pulls the green patterned lever and a round cicle appears.

Wallace presses the button on the wall next to him and an alarm starts to ring in Gormits room.

The exquisite spring powerfully pushes up.

The brown squared large door swings open .


Adjectives - describe the object (colour,size, shape)

Adverbs - describe the verb

Nouns - Improve the noun.

Verbs - use a more powerful, descriptive verb (NOT put, goes, comes, sees)