Swansea in Bloom 2013 Key Stage 2.
Does Blaenymaes have the next Alan Titchmarsh or Charlie Dimmock?
    We have been very busy preparing our site for the competition this year. The theme over the next two years is Dylan Thomas (his life and works) and Mrs Williams has been working day and night preparing the School grounds with various recycled and reclaimed materials. We prepared the garden earlier in the year and have built several planters from recycled materials, which have been beautifully painted with Dylan Thomas quotes. We grew saplings in School and planted them over the Easter. We now have some strapping and healthy looking blooms (flowers, not children!) which are more than ready for adjudication. Year 3 have created a small garden centre outside their class, which includes tomatoes, cucumber, herbs, sweetpeas, nasturtiums pansies and more besides!
    We are extremely proud of all the children for their hard work, and to all the parents for the extra cleaning they must have done as their children came home covered in soil and grass!
    Diolch yn fawr i'r staff, y plant ac yn arbennig Mrs Williams. POB LWC!