Rainbow Art

and a tiny bit of Science!

Hello Year 3,

When I popped to the shops last Thursday I noticed lots of rainbows in people's windows and it really cheered me up!  If you fancy making a rainbow for a window at your house here are some ideas. I bet some of you will have your own amazing ideas!

For 15 DOJOS....find out how rainbows are made!  It's coming up in our Science next half term!  I will give you a clue … something to do with LIGHT!  Write a page in your blue homework book about rainbows and how they are made. When you are finished tell me below what your favourite colour is .... my favourite colour is BLUE!

This is a way you can help your neighbours and family while we spend some time at home. If you would like your rainbow on the blog then ask your mum or dad to email it to me.  My email address is in your blue homework book.

Keep working hard on all your projects!


Miss Payne :)