
big bad wolf

wolf boiled alive

On Tuesday 12th March 2019 the

three little pigs houses were broken .

The pigs wanted money . They were

lying about the houses . they broke

down the houses and blamed it all on

wolf . " The wolf our houses . " said the

pigs .

The papers were found . People had a

fight against the wolf and the pigs . " The

pigs are the victims " There were more

people on the wolfs side . The pigs killed

the wolf .

The pigs framed the wolf . Mili said " The

wolf helped my nan cross the road .

Harvey said " The wolf helped me cook

my dinner . " The CCTV said that he

couldn' t blowed the houses down he had

The pigs said " We didn't mean to do such

thing we were absolutly desperate we did

it for self defence." " We will decide" said

the jury." guilty" They were in jail for 5

years for the crime against the wolf by

framing him.

There were people coming over

and supporting the pigs but the

pigs told the truth."We brokre

down the houses and we blamed it

all on the wolf and we only wanted

money." Then there was a fight

against the FPI and the people

who were supporting the pigs and

hollding sighns. then BATTLE