William's Year Five and Six Carol Concert Recap

Hello my name is William, and I am going to tell you all about St.Josephs Catholic Primary School's 2017 Christmas Carol Concert.


The Concert had a wonderful start with the children singing John William's 'Somewhere in my Memory' - the Home Alone sound-track. Next they sung the majestic song, 'When a Child is born'. The main show-stopper song was; 'Hallelujah', featuring the fantastic soloists. The final song was Stormzy's absolutely brilliant, 'Blinded by your Grace', which had no soloists, just the children and their extraordinary singing.


The children had been practising hard for three weeks. All the soloists had to practice their parts; the readers had to practice theirs and every single child worked so hard for the St. Josephs 2017 Carol Concert.

So, all in all, the St.Josephs 2017 Carol Concert was - absolutely phenomenal. There's just no other way to put it. The readers were great, the soloists were great and last of all, year five and six were great.