Spectacular Snowy Wonderland

Super snow falling speedily

Perfect time to make a wish,

Every year the snowflakes glisten whilst,

Cold icicles dripping from the branches.

The most sparkling time of the year.

At winter the sticky snow lets us make a snowman,

Under the fur trees shy animals shelter,

Listening as carefully as a special friend.

As magical as fairy dust,

Running through our fingertips.

Seasons greetings to you and i,

Never letting go of the festive cheer.

Outstanding memories to keep forever,

Whenever we see the snow,

You'll create the seasons greetings to you and i,

Wishful wonder of children everywhere,

Overwhelm as their eyes beam brightly,

Nothing can stop them enjoying the happiness of winter,

During this freezing, festive period

Ecstatic time for all involved

Ready children waiting impatiently

Longing for the snow to stay

As everyone is shouting hooray!

Nearly time to say good bye to the snow

Desperately waiting for it to appear again