the magic faraway tree and the land of love

One day, there were 5 playful children playing in the sweet smelling meadows ,near big looming trees .It seemed very magical and mysterious .But that's what everyone said.

The next day ,the children woke up bright and breezily and climbed up the weird , strong tree. It felt as if they were in a fairy tale land .Then they saw a ladder.Quickly all the children climbed up.

When they had climbed up the wooden ladder they saw a massive heart looming above them.Slowly ,the children crept around the strange heart shaped thing [one by one].Then ,there was a beam of light that hit all of there faces and out of the beam was two weird figures .They realised that it was Mr Love and Mrs love. The ground shuck and the children pushed them self down the ladder and down the tree

that was an adventure .