The Magic Far Away Tree

Not so long ago, Joe, Beth ,Frannie , Mr Whats his name, Silky, Moon face, Rick ,Lauren, Ava and Jemima clambered up the mysterious tree to see that magical land was at the top of the tree today. It was the land of the Goodies, were chocolate grows on trees and there was melted chocolate as lakes and as rivers. Yes the world sounds all good doesn't it but there's one thing they don't know there's monsters in the land! Moonface screamed, "Well what are you waiting for the worlds not going to be here for ever you know!"

"You're right, it wont be long till it's a new world so we better make the most of the time we have here!" mentioned Ava. So they did Ava, Lauren and Jemima went swimming in the lake (melted chocolate), Silky and moon face were flying across the sky whilst Joe, Beth ,Frannie and Rick were climbing up the trees picking of the toffee apples and then eating them .An as you could have guessed sauce pan man was making a cup of hot coco. Mr Whatshisname was trying to find something healthy to eat. Every think was fine until the cookie monsters was woken...

They marched out their marshmallow cave there was thousands of them. Every one heard the stampede coming, every one ran for their lives. not one of them knew what it was but they knew it was dangerous! As a result of not looking where they were putting their feet so Joe ended up with is foot in a marshmallow, and the monsters were coming. He yelled "HELP, HELP!" at the top of is voice the monsters got him he got knocked out. The next thing he knew he was in a sell a prison sell " Whats going on what did i do to you" screamed Joe. " You didn't do anything to me but you and your friends invaded my little darlings world so you and your friends will make it up or else!" mentioned the monster. "So what i'm hearing is all we have to do is apologise, sorry," said Joe in a quite voice.