'The Pentecost Experience' explores the Holy Spirit in our lives.

'The Pentecost Experience' will enable pupils at Penboyr School to gain a fuller understanding of the significance of the festival called Pentecost.

To engage the pupils interactively with the event surrounding the Pentecost, all pupils have learnt the story of the Pentecost through having various activities and assemblies in school.

Unlike Christmas or Easter, Pentecost is a festival not well-known or commercialised. Pentecost is an annual Christian celebration, and it is celebrated 50 days after Easter.

Pentecost commemorates the coming of God the Holy Spirit to Jesus’ followers. Symbols of doves and flames may be used and red is usually worn by the clergy.

This year the pupils experienced:-

Waiting: for the Holy Spirit to come

Telling:- when the Holy Spirit came

Doing: after the Holy Spirit came, the believers began to tell others

Growing: after the Holy Spirit came, the church began to grow

The Pentecost Experience