Top Tips From Safe Side

On the road

1. Make sure you go when the traffic lights tell you to.

2. Even when they say go, always look both ways as not all people stop.

In the house

1. Always face the handle on a pan out the way of where people might be walking.

2. Never keep a spoon (or anything metal) in a hot pan.

3. If there is a fire in your parents room shout "fire" and then follow the 3 outs:

- get out

- stay out

- call out

Story Time

Imagine this:

You are walking home when you get a text from your mum saying "if you are not back in 10 mins you will be grounded for 2 weeks"

If you take the long way it will take 15 mins if you take the short cut through the dark alleyway it will take 5 mins. So of course you would go the short cut.

Down the alley it is dark and there is a dog without a lead and a gang of rough boys up to no good. Would you want to be home late ir never...

On the train

1. do not play in the tracks.

2. Never distract the driver.

Always stay on the