Kevin Richardson!

born in 8 October 1974

he is now 47 years old

Kevin Richardson is known for the lion whisperhe has a south African youtube.he is a wildlife and self-taught him self to be a lion whisper. he looks after black lepodse and lions spotted hyenas and striped hyenas.

Kevin Richardson has a faimly of his on and when people give him money on Instagram he gets 50,000 for the picture .Kevin Richardson will be remmermberdby his amazing zoo

Kevin Richardson has been a lion whisper for meny yeras now and is still doing it today.

Kevin Richardson has been heart before but not to bad .he has been scrached punctured and bitten but still ok Kevin Richardson is so famose he has onad an wildlife zoo in a a lion park.

Kevin Richardson has been a lion whisper for meny yeras now and is still doing it today.

Kevin Richardson has been heart before but not to bad .he has been scrached punctured and bitten but still ok

Kevin Richardson is so famose he has onad an wildlife zoo in a a lion park.