On Thursday 27th November, year 4 went to Gunnersbury museum to learn more about Queen Victoria and how peoples lives were when she was the Queen. There were many rooms to look through and they were all very interesting. There were rooms about fashion, art and how poor and rich people lived. We were allowed to create our own wallpaper using stamps and special ink. We were also allowed to enjoy acting out a Victorian classroom, where the teachers were very strict and serious. They made some people wear finger stocks, some people were asked to wear a dunce hat and trick the class into believing that the teacher was angry at them. It was very funny to see how shocked everybody was and how the teacher treated them. She also pretended whipping two boys with a cane and everybody was shocked. Our teacher gave us a book where we had to trace lots of words that told us about Queen Victoria's parents and family. It was really hard to write properly over all the dirty paper and mess on the desks. They taught us a few lessons like maths where we had to add lots of old money with pounds to create a large amount. It was much more confusing than the History and Literacy lessons and somebody had to use a back straightener as they bent down too far to write on their blackboard. It was a very fun day and it was hard to decide if the museum or the workshop was better.