About me profile :P

HEY THERE, my name is Martin an I'm pretty sure you wanna know more about me?

My nickname is big brain (this is true).

FYI, I'm guessing that you want to know more about me well that's why I'm here!

My age is 10 yrs old, I'm still young but I know my stuff.

I lived in London and I'm still living in London. BTW, I am an a average schoolboy.

What are my interests? My ummmm... my interests are usually skiing and I collect 50p coins. Anyway I'm going to talk more about my personality!

I was born on the 3rd of Feb at mid-day and I came to SBSP aged 3.

I'm now in yr6, I like watching telly and like playing cards. One of my accomplished goals is getting a big brain!!! I love having a big brain because it feels like a friend to me.

In the future, I want to be an normal dude who lives in a house eating potato chips while watching tv!

Anyway I'm going to wrap this up.

SEE YA, BB (big brain) (me not you)
