Should Jim escape from the workhouse?

In my opinion, I think that Jim should escape because he should not end up like Joseph who does not even know what a river is. But I also think that he should stay because at the workhouse he has food and shelter provided for him but if he escaped he would not have all that. Here are some reasons why he should and should not escape the workhouse.

I think that Jim should escape the workhouse because Jim might end up like Joseph who assumes that the workhouse is where he was born and he has does not know that there is a world outside of the workhouse. Jim should not end up like Joseph and forget about the world where he was born and where he grew up. I also think that Jim should escape, because he might be able to see his family again - his sisters (Emily and Lizzie) and Rosie (his Ma's friend) again if he did escape. If Jim escaped, he would not be treated badly anymore and he would not have to live in the terrible conditions of the workhouse. This is why he should escape.

Although, I also think that he should stay at the workhouse because if he escaped he would have no where else to live and at least at the workhouse they provide shelter. At the workhouse, Jim has free food but if he was to escape he would not have any food because he has no money to buy food. If Jim was caught he would be bought back to the workhouse and be beaten very severely. Tip (Jim's only friend at the workhouse) says that everyone who tries to escape is caught so most likely he will be caught and beaten. This is why I think that Jim should stay at the workhouse although it is a dreadful place.