OK, so I do not have a very, very grape-coloured stinger at all...OK, I do! Where are we anyway? Oh, there's a sign! Wait, that's not a sign, It's a big pole with really thin pentagons pointing in different directions! Well, I don't have many choices, do I? OK, the top one says,'' ''PLAYGROUND'', What does that mean?'' CAFE''OK, this is probably a paint that you set on fire! And the final one,'' FARM, SEE OUR PIGS! This I wanna see!

AAAGH!!!! I'm horrified by my sights! Pink beans are rolling in the mud, black and white things have four thingies hanging off its underbelly! Humans are playing a game where you throw an omega-shaped symbol at a stick in the ground.OH, one is heading for me...WAIT IT'S COMING FOR ME!!! CLANG!!! Everything stopped and fell silent...