
Thoughts week beginning 12th October

Being Grateful

What is gratitude?

How can we show

our thanks?

How do you feel when

you give thanks?

How does it feel to

be someone who

receives thanks?

Why is it important to show gratitude?

Watch the story of 'The Giving Tree' with your class

Why do you think this story made me feel sad?

Did the boy always

remember to show his

thanks to the tree?

Could he have shown

his appreciation in a

different way? How?

What could he be

grateful to the tree for?

Do you think the boy’s

appreciation changed

as the story went on?

At the end what do you think the boy was most grateful for?

How was the tree

grateful to the boy?

How did he show it?

(Click on 'The Giving Tree' above to be taken to the story)

Who have you thanked

recently and why?

What are you grateful for?