What was the blitz?

The biltz was an air aid boming which stared on the 7th of september 1940 and ended 1941 may.The germans bomed Egland to try and scare us and destory our wepon

Citys that were bomed

Swansea, adriff,Bristol,Southamton,Plomth,Birgirham,Coventry,liverpool

Bombs that were used

-oil bombs

-acid bombs

-high explosives

Deaths in the biltz

In the biltz, there were nearly two thousand peoplethat died .

The worst attacks in the Blitz

The raid was on Coventry (in 1940), and it was the biggest air raid the world had ever seen. 4330 homes were destored; 554 people were killed.

Did you know?

2 millon houses were destroyed ( 60 percent was in London)

the destored cotheladeral.


planes dropping bomes

jacob c