Hi everyone!

This week's topic is about Sports Day.

Unfortunately, Sports Day was cancelled due to the rain and is now to be arranged two weeks after.We thought we'd like to give you a taste of what Sports Day is like.

Children wear their house colour t-shirts and work as a team to make their house win.

Their are 4 houses: Nicoll,Page,Hale and Marsh. Every child

in that house works hard for their house to win the cup.

There are a number of activities and children can get

refreshing drinks at the end.There is running,long-distance

jumping,egg and spoon race,obsacle courses and lots more.

Parents and carers can cheer on their children in the middle

of the field and support them on their way.The children in the

house get seperated from boys to girls but will all working as

a team.In every activity,the 1st,2nd and 3rd get points for

their team and at the end the teachers will count them up.

There are 2 Sports Days-one for yr3 and 4 while the other day

is yr5 and 6.The school only finds out which house has won

when the 2 Sports Days are over.

Children who became 1st,2nd and 3rd will get individual

medals for their hard work and efforts.If they're lucky,they might even get into a team and represent Deansbrook! So good luck everyone and let the best house win!