

Subject: David's Environmental Club

Hi Maya!

How are you? Guess what! I've joined an Environmental Club at school. I really like it. It's name is David Environmental Club! We meet every Sunday at 5 o'clock in Room 5AG.

Every Wednesday we have a clean up day. Today, at 11.30 am we had one at Paradise Bay. It was fun and I enjoyed cleaning the trash. I also like the enthusiasm I get at seeing wherever we clean afterwards. Soon we are going to have a Ride Your Bike Day, yard sales and also the Three R's Day where we will collect animals' doings from all over Malta to clean up houses, sheds, garages etc.

When we meet, we think of ways to make the world a better place. We have already put recycling bins in every classroom and organised a 'Go Green Team'. The members of the team have to go around the building and turn off taps, lights or think of other ways to go green.

If you like this club, then I suggest that you join. After all, our motto is " If all of us work together, planet Earth will live forever".

Sincerely yours,
